时间戳TrajectoryService为EC SDK中向用户提供的高级功能。
import math import socket import json import time # Author:chenliao@elibot.cn def connectETController(ip, port=8055): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect((ip, port)) return (True, sock) except Exception as e: sock.close() return (False,) def disconnectETController(sock): if (sock): sock.close() sock = None else: sock = None def sendCMD(sock, cmd, params=None, id=1): if (not params): params = [] else: params = json.dumps(params) sendStr = "{{\"method\":\"{0}\",\"params\":{1},\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":{2}}}".format(cmd, params, id) + "\n" try: # print(sendStr) sock.sendall(bytes(sendStr, "utf-8")) ret = sock.recv(1024) jdata = json.loads(str(ret, "utf-8")) if ("result" in jdata.keys()): return (True, json.loads(jdata["result"]), jdata["id"]) elif ("error" in jdata.keys()): print(sock.error["code"]) print(sock.error["message"]) return (False, json.loads(jdata["error"]), jdata["id"]) else: return (False, None, None) except Exception as e: return (False, None, None) def sendCMD2(sock, cmd, params=None, id=1): if (not params): params = [] else: params = json.dumps(params) sendStr = "{{\"method\":\"{0}\",\"params\":{1},\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":{2}}}".format(cmd, params, id) + "\n" try: # print(sendStr) sock.sendall(bytes(sendStr, "utf-8")) return (True, True, id) except Exception as e: return (False, None, None) # 等待机器人完成动作 def wait_stop(): while True: time.sleep(0.01) ret1, result1, id1 = sendCMD(sock, "getRobotState") # print(ret1,result1) if (ret1): if result1 == 0 or result1 == 4: break else: print("getRobotState failed") break def checkPose(sock,p,delta): # 判断机器人当前xyz坐标与传入的p的xyz坐标, # 如果3个方向的差值均小于delta,返回True ret1, c_pose, id = sendCMD(sock, "get_tcp_pose") if abs(c_pose[0]-p[0])<delta and abs(c_pose[1]-p[1])<delta and abs(c_pose[2]-p[2])<delta: return True else: return False if __name__ == "__main__": robot_ip = "" conSuc, sock = connectETController(robot_ip) # 如果机器人有报警,清除报警 ret1, result1, id1 = sendCMD(sock, "getRobotState") if result1==4: ret, result, id = sendCMD(sock, "clearAlarm") print(ret, result) #获取同步状态 suc, Motorstatus, id = sendCMD(sock, "getMotorStatus") if Motorstatus ==0: #同步伺服编码器数据 suc, syncMotorStatus, id = sendCMD(sock, "syncMotorStatus") #设置伺服使能状态 suc, servostatus, id = sendCMD(sock, "set_servo_status", {"status": 1}) # 设置机器人运行速度百分比,速度百分比会影响时间戳运动的速度 suc, result , id = sendCMD(sock, "setSpeed", {"value": 10}) # 设置机器人开始位置,类型joint P000 = [-36.0662,-110.6173,98.9087,-78.2932,90.0004,53.8916] P001 = [-36.0659,-109.1445,91.6433,-72.5008,90.0004,53.8916] # MoveJ形式移动机器人到P001位置,速度为百分比 suc, result, id = sendCMD(sock,'moveByJoint', {'targetPos':P001, 'speed':10}) # 等待机器人移动开始位置 wait_stop() # 直线形式移动机器人到P000位置,速度类型0:线性速度, 速度100mm/s suc, result, id = sendCMD(sock,'moveByLine', {'targetPos':P000, "speed_type" :0, "speed":100}) # 等待机器人移动开始位置 wait_stop() # 获取开始位置的笛卡尔坐标 ret1, startpose, id = sendCMD(sock, "get_tcp_pose") print('开始位姿', startpose) # 获取开始位置的joint,作为时间戳运动第一个笛卡尔空间点的逆解参考点 ret1, startpos, id = sendCMD(sock, "get_joint_pos") print('开始角度', startpos) # 参考坐标系 frame = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] suc , result , id = sendCMD(sock , "flush_trajectory") # 清空队列 suc, result , id=sendCMD(sock,"start_push_pos",{"path_lenth" :360, "pos_type" :1, "ref_joint_pos":startpos,"ref_frame":frame,"ret_flag":1}) # path_length: 轨迹点位长度 # pos_type: 1表示笛卡尔,0表示joint # ref_joint_pos: 如果pos_type为1,此数据为第一个笛卡尔空间点的逆解参考解,如果pos_type为0,此数据依旧需要为[0,0,0,0,0,0]形式,不可或缺 # ref_frame: 如果pos_type为1,此数据为所有笛卡尔空间点的参考坐标系,如果pos_type为0,此数据依旧需要为[0,0,0,0,0,0]形式,不可或缺 # ret_flag: 1表示使用push_pos的时候,每次添加点,会有返回结果 # 如果添加的点位较多,建议设为0,即添加后无返回确认 r = 50 startpose[0] = startpose[0] +r Pout = startpose.copy() # time_stamp = 0 for i in range(0,360): Pout[0] = startpose[0] - r * math.cos(math.radians(i)) Pout[1] = startpose[1] + r * math.sin(math.radians(i)) suc , result , id = sendCMD(sock , "push_pos", {"timestamp":time_stamp , "pos": Pout }) # 如果在start_push_pos中设置ret_flag=0,此处可以使用sendCMD2,即添加点后无返回值 # suc , result , id = sendCMD2(sock , "push_pos", {"timestamp":time_stamp , "pos": Pout }) print(i,result) time_stamp = time_stamp+0.002 # 第一个点的时间戳必须为0.0 # 时间戳间隔20ms,此处例如0,0.002,0.004,0.006s # 可以通过调节时间戳,改变机器人速度 suc , result , id = sendCMD(sock , "stop_push_pos") print(result) suc , result , id = sendCMD(sock , "check_trajectory") print(result) suc , result , id = sendCMD(sock , "start_trajectory", {"speed_percent": 100}) wait_stop() suc , result , id = sendCMD(sock , "flush_trajectory") suc, result, id = sendCMD(sock,'moveByLine', {'targetPos':P001, "speed_type" :0, "speed":100}) # 等待机器人移动开始位置 wait_stop()