CS model could receive the specifed length byte array data from host pc with socket_read_byte_list command. And users are able to transform these data to specified type( like float, int16 or int32).
For example, the byte array from host PC is [0x3F,0x80,0x00,0x00], users will get the result [4,63,128,0,0] (the first number is data length, if lost some value in the array, it will be replaced with -1)
If users need transform float, int16 or int32 to byte array, they can use the code as below:
import struct
def Bytes2Float(d,BigEndian=False):
# input parameter 4 bytes data
# return 32-bit integer data
# The default is endian,if need big endian, please addBigEndian=True)
if BigEndian ==True:
return struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('4B', *d))[0]
def Bytes2Int32(d,BigEndian=False):
# input parameter 4 bytes data
# return signed 32-bit integer data
# The default is endian,if need big endian, please addBigEndian=True)
if BigEndian ==True:
return struct.unpack('i', struct.pack('4B', *d))[0]
def Bytes2Int16(d,BigEndian=False):
# input parameter 2 bytes data
# return signed 16-bit integer data
# The default is endian,if need big endian, please addBigEndian=True)
if BigEndian ==True:
return struct.unpack('h', struct.pack('2B', *d))[0]
def Float2Bytes(d,BigEndian=False):
# input 32-bit integer data
# return parameter 4 bytes data
# The default is endian,if need big endian, please addBigEndian=True)
if BigEndian ==True:
return list(struct.unpack('4B',struct.pack('f',d)))
return list(struct.unpack('4B',struct.pack('>f',d)))
def Int322Bytes(d,BigEndian=False):
# input 32-bit signed integer data
# return 4 bytes data
# The default is endian,if need big endian, please addBigEndian=True)
if BigEndian ==True:
return list(struct.unpack('4B',struct.pack('i',d)))
def Int162Bytes(d,BigEndian=False):
# input 16-bit signed integer data
# return 2 bytes data
# The default is endian,if need big endian, please addBigEndian=True)
if BigEndian ==True:
return list(struct.unpack('2B',struct.pack('h',d)))
a = Float2Bytes(1.0)
# Endian as default, the output data should be as below
# a = [0x3F,0x80,0x00,0x00]
a = Float2Bytes(1.0,True)
# Big endian, the output data should be as below
# a = [0x00,0x00,0x80,0x3F]
b = Bytes2Float( [0x3F,0x80,0x00,0x00])
# Endian as default, the output data should be as below
# b = 1.0
b = Bytes2Float( [0x3F,0x80,0x00,0x00],True)
# Big endian, the output data should be as below
# b = 4.600602988224807e-41